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Effective Fat Burning Foods

These foods contain certain nutrients and compounds that improve your metabolism and help in eliminating the toxins which make weight loss even more easier. So all you need to do is give up the unhealthy junk and processed foods and switch to the following food items that can greatly help your weight loss efforts. And Dream Body slimming capsule also can greatly help in losing weight.

1. Whole Grains
Whole grains are a better and healthier option than processed foods. This is because your body burns twice as many calories in breaking down whole foods, particularly those rich in fiber such as oatmeal and brown rice. You can substitute your white bread with whole wheat bread and pasta.

2. Avocado
Avocado is often considered in the list of fat burning foods. However, actually the fat in this fruit is a triple fat burner. It is mostly in the nature of monounsaturated fat which plumps up the cell membranes, thus stimulating the fat burning hormones. Besides, it switches off the body’s fat storage hormones and boosts the metabolism by protecting the energy producing part of the cells from damage by free radicals. So swap your snacks with a halved avocado sprinkled with sea salt and tomatoes. You can also add this fruit to spinach and green bean salad or make an avocado smoothie with coconut milk and cinnamon.

3. Cinnamon
This aromatic spice helps burn fat by moving glucose into the cells faster, thus lowering the accumulation of fats storage hormone, insulin. However, to obtain maximum fat burning results, you need to consume at least a quarter of a teaspoon of cinnamon. You can add cinnamon to a vanilla smoothie or warmed quinoa with raspberries and pistachios.

4. Peanuts and Brazil Nuts
If you thought that all nuts are fattening, then you might have to think again because peanuts and Brazil nuts are wonderful exceptions which can actually act as fat burners. Peanuts are packed with fiber which curbs your intake of calories as well as boosts metabolism, even without added exercise. However, they should be eaten in moderation as they are calorie dense. Brazil nuts also aid in fat burning mechanism as they boost metabolism by converting the thyroid hormone to its active form.
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